Gunduwa inaugural AGM notice & announce $130,000 project funding
Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association will hold its inaugural AGM on the 23rd April 2015 in Dalwallinu at 10am at the visitors centre. Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association is looking for appropriately experienced representatives to join its management committee.
Project Round for 2015
Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association would like to invite Community and industry groups who support our vision to apply for our new round of project funding for 2015/16.
Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association’s Objective is to enhance biodiversity and sustainability values across the Region.
Gunduwa defines the region as the area bordered by Beacon, Wubin, Morawa and Payne’s Find. The region contains the botanical transitional zone between the woodlands of the wheat belt and the expansive mulga zone of the interior. The Great Northern Highway between the Wubin and Payne’s Find transects country rich in natural diversity – farms, pastoral lands, woodlands, salt lakes, shrub lands, and the banded iron and greenstone hills of the surrounding rangelands.
In 2014 Gunduwa funded four small projects that were funded through our grants available from the environmental offset package funded by Mount Gibson Mining and Asia Iron. Our projects included malleefowl, soil biology, young leaders, semi-arid ecosystems, fire and birds. Gunduwa looks forward to funding further projects as they continue to develop their landscape plan.
Please contact Jude at info@gunduwa.org.au to request the project application and guidelines.
For more information
Luke Bayley
Gunduwa Regional Conservation Association – Chair
0427 495 772
- On March 12, 2015