Malleefowl Volunteer Support Project

  • Malleefowl Monitoring Training- volunteers learning to use smart phones to record mound data for the National Malle Fowl Database

  • Dr Joe Benshemesh (Principal Malleefowl scientist from Melbourne) talking to volunteers.

  • Volunteers practicing recording Malleefowl mound data 3-8-14

Project Description

Aim: This project incorporates several actions that combine to help build the NCMPG membership and participation in Malleefowl protection in and near the Gunduwa region.


  • conduct training for volunteers in Malleefowl monitoring that conforms to best practice as described in the National Malleefowl  Monitoring Manual
  • purchase of 6 hand held mapping devices for monitoring
  • a contribution to costs of processing data (old and new) onto the database
  • a contribution to the cost of automatic extraction and naming of Cybertracker images for data
  • a contribution to the employment of the National Malleefowl Recovery Program Coordinator.


Validating Western Australian data on the National Malleefowl Database, the refinement to the program Cybertrackers so that mound images and monitoring data could be sent to the database. This has achieved more accessible, accurate and reliable information on malleefowl activity in the region.

Support for the National Malleefowl Co-ordinators role in the Adaptive Management Team which uses statistic modelling to generate information detailing what sorts of actions will be most likely to produce benefits for malleefowl populations. The workshop was developed to train new members in best practice techniques of monitoring using smart phone technology.

Project Details

  • OrganisationNorth Central Malleefowl Preservation Group (NCMPG)
  • Year2014
  • Funding$19,400