Project Description
Aim: Expand skills and work opportunities for local Indigenous rangers, contribute to conservation and land management projects.
- A regional Indigenous ranger team will enable an integrated approach to conservation and cultural heritage management.
- Involvement with reintroductions of threatened species and possibly ecological surveys.
- Present at the Gunduwa Meetings. Involved with bird monitoring workshops – CCWA.
Meetings and liaisons in regards to developing work plans and ranger activity for the Charles Darwin Reserve (CDR) and the Mount Gibson Sanctuary managed by Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), with the respective land managers.
Liaison has been conducted with previous Badimaya Rangers regarding work planning, work scheduling and training. Discussions and on-ground placement planning conducted with sub-contract employer Western Mulga regarding employment of rangers, vehicle, safety gear and protective clothing.
One senior Aboriginal Ranger commenced employment on the 21st August 2017 under this project. This has consisted of a 30hr week with initial machinery handling training. Work plans are now in place for ranger work on both AWC & CDR. Initially the work has focused on Aboriginal Heritage Sites identification. One site of significance has been identified and registered with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and recommendations for the management of the site have been developed. An additional Aboriginal Ranger and a Junior Aboriginal Ranger have also been employed to support prioritised on-ground work.
This funding from Gunduwa is being further leveraged with additional funding from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC), through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy, to develop a more comprehensive Midwest Aboriginal Ranger Team Project.
Employment on Country: A regional Badimaya Ranger team was established to assist the Gunduwa community with conservation and cultural heritage management.
With support provided by the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council’s (NACC) Aboriginal Project Manager and Western Mulga ranger personnel, one senior Aboriginal Ranger commenced employment on August 2017. This consisted of a 30hr week with initial training sessions covering existing and new knowledge about conservation and land management activities (e.g. control of feral animals, invasive weeds and fire), and machinery handling.
On-ground activities included:
- updating water supply
- removal of old fences
- bird surveys
- setting up fauna/wildlife remote monitoring cameras
- investigating Aboriginal Heritage Sites for identification.
Meetings and liaisons were conducted in order to develop ranger work plans and schedules with the respective land managers.
A set of innovative Badimaya ‘Bird Cards’ were developed, which highlight Badimaya, scientific and common names for ten iconic birds of the Gunduwa region.
Project Details
- OrganisationNorthern Agricultural Catchments Council
- Year2017
- Funding$50,000