Do Climate Refugia Exist on the Conservation Stations?

  • Long-term bush bird monitoring begins in selected potential climate refugia on Charles Darwin Reserve.

Project Description

It has become evident that some mammal taxa disappear from the monitoring study sites during the frequent extended drought periods but recover in better seasons.

Aim: The CD Climate Change Obseervatory has been monitoring climate and ten biotic indicators on CDR since 2008. It has become evident that some mammal taxa disappear from the monitored study sites during the frequent extended drought periods but recover in better seasons. This raises the question as to whether climate change refugia exist in this landscape and if so where.

Activities: This project will use time series of satellite imagery to identify and map areas to show sustained moisture availability and productivity. This will inform the restructuring of the sampling regime used by the Observatory.


If climate refugia exist they will be key features for maintaining regional biodiversity and should be targets for protection and intensive management (particularly of introduced animals).

A map of potential climate refugia in the landsape occupied by the conservation stations. Better data rainfall and soil moisture variation on a landscape scale. A restructured sampling program for the Observatory.

Project Details

  • OrganisationConservation Council WA - Citizens Science Program
  • Year2015
  • Funding$21,600