Project Description

Project Description:

Initiate a monitoring project in the region. Engage and extend the capacity to monitor bush-bird communities in a selective of ‘putative refugia’ mapped using remote sensing methods.


To engage the community both regional and state with citizen science based ecological research, the conservation stations and Natural Resource Management issues in the Gunduwa Region.


A flyer advertising the project was sent to CCWA Citizen Science volunteers, birdlife eNews, Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group, Moore Catchment Council, Midwest Birdlife Branch, Bush Heritage Community Engagement Officer, Northern Agricultural Catchments Council and Western Mulga to be distributed among their networks.

Training was provided on survey method and identification of local birds and raptors. Excursions were organised outside survey times to give individuals a chance to practice and enhance learned skills through free birdwatching.

Three survey training trips took place, with a total of 41 participants, being trained in bird identification and survey methods, as well as conducting monitoring surveys at specific sites around the property at sunrise and in the late afternoon. Morning surveys were far more valuable than the afternoon survey, due to strong winds hampering some sites.

Survey data was entered into excel after each trip, ready for analysis when all survey have been completed.


A poster detailing the project was exhibited at the Gunduwa Forum in September 2018.

Over 200 surveys were completed with a minimium of 11 replicates per site. Varying skill levels were accounted for by rotating individuals among different survey sites and groups.

During the five weeks of bird surveys in August, October and November 41 volunteers contributed a total of 252 field days worth a value of $72,600.

Initial analysis in the form of a species accumulation curves have been formulated for the current ,this graph shows the variability in species diversity between different sites, as well as how quickly or steadily the numbers of species were accumulated over time.

Results are still being analysed in detail. The data will become more relevant as more surveys at the same survey sites are completed in subsequent years.

Gunduwa Bird Survey Flyer1:


Project Details

  • OrganisationConservation Council WA Citizen Science Program & Birdlife WA
  • Year2018
  • Funding$34,650.00